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Objective Met: Describe the nature, evolution, and importance of Med-Peds as a specialty.
Objective Met: Define value-added to an institution with a robust Med-Peds program.
Objective Met: Discuss emerging trends in Med-Peds education.
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Objective Met: Define healthcare transition
Objective Met: Discuss key elements to successful healthcare transition
Objective Met: Implement healthcare transition innovations in the ambulatory setting
Objective Met: Improve transition readiness in young adults transitioning to adult care
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Objective Met: Appreciate the spectrum of late effects after treatment of childhood cancer. Recognize the impact of late effects on duration and quality of survival.
Objective Met: Understand recommendations for evidence based survivorship care including where to find screening recommendations based on treatment exposures.
Objective Met: Discuss and perform any recommended cardiovascular (cardiomyopathy) or second cancer (breast, colon, thyroid, skin) screening for survivors seen in your practice based on survivorship guidelines or refer to appropriate sub-specialty provider.
Objective Met: Identify late effects at an earlier stage and aggressively treat comorbid conditions to improve the healthspan and lifespan of survivors.
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Objective Met: Identify key health disparities within one's own communities
Objective Met: Develop and apply practical strategies for community engagement including forming substantive partnerships and advocating for policy change
Objective Met: Integrate community engagement practices into their medical practices thereby enhancing their ability to address health disparities
Objective Met: Implement targeted interventions and community-based strategies to address the root causes of poor patient outcomes.
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Define the four pillars; engaging communities, educational excellence, expanding research, and advancing health that are part of the strategic plan for the UT Health Science Center.
Identify the importance of lifestyle factors in achieving and advancing the four pillars.
Describe how the specialty of Med-Peds relates to the four pillars and contributes to the mission and vision of the UT Health Science Center.
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My knowledge increased.
My ability to provide appropriate care to my patients improved.
I feel a decreased sense of professional isolation.
Relevance to your practice.