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Stacy Prater, CCEMT-P
ExcellentGoodAverageBelow AveragePoor
Content Usefulness
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April Womac, RN
ExcellentGoodAverageBelow AveragePoor
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Stephanie DeBerry, RN
ExcellentGoodAverageBelow AveragePoor
Content Usefulness
Presentation Quality
Keith Treadway
ExcellentGoodAverageBelow AveragePoor
Content Usefulness
Presentation Quality
Andrew Condrey, EMTP
ExcellentGoodAverageBelow AveragePoor
Content Usefulness
Presentation Quality
Brent Carr, EMTP
ExcellentGoodAverageBelow AveragePoor
Content Usefulness
Presentation Quality
Matthew Vaughn, EMTP
ExcellentGoodAverageBelow AveragePoor
Content Usefulness
Presentation Quality
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As a result of this activity, I have a better understanding of the principles of airway management, ventilator use, and emergent surgical procedures for adult & pediatric population.
As a result of this activity, my skills and abilities have been improved in terms of airway management, ventilator use, and emergent surgical procedures for adult & pediatric population.
As a result of this activity, my medical practice and performance have been improved in terms of airway management, ventilator use, and emergent surgical procedures for adult & pediatric population.
As a result of this activity, my patient outcomes been improved in terms of airway management, ventilator use, and emergent surgical procedures for adult & pediatric population.
Please describe how this activity has improved your professional medical practice