Cheryl Scott, MPA, MSN, EdD, R,
Dr. Cheryl Scott completed her Doctorate in Education with a focus on Nursing Leadership from the University of Alabama. Her dissertation concentrated on how nurses with different educational levels assimilated into Interprofessional teams within the real world environment. The qualitative study identified that that educational background and the managerial style of the nursing unit impacted how a nurse communicated with an Interprofessional team.
She has a MSN in Case Management, a MPA in Health Services Administration, a BSN in Nursing and is currently Certified as a Healthcare Simulation Educator. She has been a nurse for 44 years and has over 15 years of healthcare education experience. She is currently the Director of IPE and Simulation at Baptist Health Sciences University where she has implemented University wide IPE events as well as support faculty within any of the 15 healthcare programs develop Interprofessional and simulation opportunities for their students.
Financial relationships
Type of financial relationship:There are no financial relationships to disclose.Date added:10/13/2023Date updated:10/13/2023