The UTHSC Office of Continuing Medical Education (CME) has developed a follow-up survey to help evaluate the effectiveness of its CME activities in meeting educational needs. The survey is sent six (6) weeks after the activity has closed. The survey asks the user to identify the following:If the activity clarified or reinforced principles and concepts underlying current handling of patients.How did this activity change the attendee’s current practice?What was the impact on the attendee’s patient care?This link to the follow-up survey is sent electronically to attendees. The survey is open for two (2) weeks. Specifically, what changes have you made in your practice as a result of your participation in this CME activity? * What, if any, barriers did you encounter in implementing these changes? * (Choose all that apply) Lack of time Lack of administrative support/resources Insurance/reimbursement issues Patient adherence issues Lack of consensus on professional guidelines Cost Lack of accessible venue to gather new information No perceived barriers Other... What, if any, barriers did you encounter in implementing these changes? Other... Please explain how the information received in this educational activity has impacted the care of your patients. * Leave this field blank