2021 Beverly H. Bowns Distinguished Visiting Professorship
Beverly H. Bowns
Beverly Henry Bowns promoted community and public health nursing in the many positions that she held in her long nursing career.
From the time she graduated high school, Beverly knew that she was going to be a nurse. She received her RN at the Franklin Hospital School of Nursing in San Francisco and then received her BSN from Columbia University. She went on to complete two majors at the University of Minnesota in Public Health Mental Health and Education and two majors at Johns Hopkins in Family Therapy and Administration.
Dr. Bowns was recruited to the College of Nursing at The University of Tennessee Health Science Center by Ruth Neil Murry. Dr. Bowns was Professor and Department Chair in Community Health Nursing here from 1972 to 1977 and was responsible for developing the Family Nurse Clinician (FNC) graduate program. She was known as someone filled with perseverance and determination.
After leaving UTHSC, Dr. Bowns served as Dean and Professor of Nursing at Rutger’s University. Beverly Henry Bowns, Ph.D., died Friday April 2, 2004, at home after a battle with pancreatic cancer. In 1996 the Beverly H. Bowns Distinguished Visiting Professorship was established for the College of Nursing.
Target Audience
Nurses, nursing students, and all interested in topic.
Dr. Lisa Campbell is a Professor and Director of the Post-Master’s Doctor of Nursing Practice Program at Texas Tech University Health Sciences Center School of Nursing in Lubbock, Texas. Dr. Campbell engages students in real-world public health and policy projects. Her research includes the impact of incivilities on faculty and staff and strategies to create a civil workplace culture, changes in public health nursing practice and the Affordable Care Act, and WIC peer counselor support and breastfeeding. In 2017, Dr. Campbell led the Quad Council Coalition’s Task Force to revise the national Community/Public Health Nursing Competencies. She founded Population Health Consultants, LLC, a company committed to improving population health. Recently Dr. Campbell served as the director of the Victoria County Public Health Department that served three counties in Texas. She led a diverse staff and implemented initiatives to advance public health in these rural communities. Dr. Campbell is the immediate past chair of the American Public Health Associate Public Health Nursing Section, Chair of the Council of Public Health Nursing Organizations (formerly the Quad Council Coalition), and a member of the Alliance of Nurses for Healthy Environments’ Board of Directors. She, enjoys traveling & hiking with her family, connecting with friends, gardening, cooking, and her rescue dog Hope. Dr. Campbell and her family live in San Antonio, Texas.
Crystal Martin Walker, PhD, DNP, FNP-C
Lisa Campbell, Lisa A. Campbell, DNP, RN, PHNA-BC, FAAN
The University of TN Health Science Center College of Nursing is an approved provider of nursing professional development by the American Nurses Credentialing Center’s Commission on Accreditation.
Available Credit
- 2.00 ANCC
- 2.00 Attendance